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GAO to Agencies: Measure Telework's Effectiveness - The Government Accountability Office is again pressing federal agencies to focus on results and clarify rules when working to expand their telework programs.

�Agencies need to have meaningful measures of what they are trying to achieve through telework, and they need to be using this information to achieve their results,� Bernice Steinhardt, GAO�s director of strategic issues, told the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee�s Oversight of Government Management Subcommittee....

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Lawmakers Weigh Proposal to Expand Telework Eligibility - Legislation that would make most federal employees eligible to telework got a mixed reception at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee hearing Tuesday. The legislation would allow employees -- with a few exceptions -- to work away from the office unless their agencies show their jobs aren't suitable for the arrangement. Currently, agencies set the rules for eligibility, and policies differ.

In addition, the 2007 Telework Enhancement Act (S. 1000), introduced in March by Sens. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, and Mary Landrieu, D-La., recommends that each agency appoint a full-time telework managing officer....

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House to Agencies: Tell Us About Telework - In an effort to identify roadblocks to teleworking, several House members will send agencies a survey asking about their telework policies.

The survey seeks to determine what can be done to overcome barriers to working outside the office.

The survey asks for agencies' definition of telework and how they determine employee eligibility. It also asks how agencies tell employees they are eligible for it, according to a letter from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee....

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Telework Fuels Productivity and Cuts Costly Gas Consumption; Smart Strategies for Fighting the High Cost of Gas and Increasing the Bottom Line
Business Wire - Gas prices are not only testing our wallets these days, they're also testing the way we work. With gas hovering at $2.25 a gallon for regular in many states, cost-conscious businesses and workers who depend on cars for long distance travel and commuting, need to develop alternative strategies for enabling less frequent use of their cars....

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Congress OKs $5 million penalty for telecommuting shortfalls - If agencies under the Commerce, Justice and State appropriations bill do not offer every eligible worker the opportunity to telecommute by mid-to-late January, they will lose $5 million under a provision passed as part of the fiscal 2005 Omnibus spending bill earlier this week....

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Agency officials say resistance to telework is dropping - Agency officials told lawmakers Thursday that managerial resistance to telecommuting is gradually diminishing.

Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James and Stephen Perry, head of the General Services Administration, told members of the House Government Reform Committee that the telework goals laid out in a 2001 law backed by Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va. (P.L. 106-346) are not unrealistic, but will take longer to implement than the bill mandates....

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Labor Secretary Chao Announces Availability of $2.5 Million Grant Aimed at Improving Telework Employment Strategies for People with Disabilities
US Newswire - U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao today announced the availability of a $2.5 million grant through her Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), which is aimed at increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities through telework positions.

"President George W. Bush believes that the ability to telework increases available employment options for all workers, including individuals with disabilities, and his New Freedom Initiative directs activities such as telework and assistive technology be undertaken to promote the employment for people with disabilities," said Secretary Chao....

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Study finds agencies� COOP planning outstrips telework - Government is making great strides in continuity-of-operations planning, but frequent teleworking � increasingly seen as an essential component of COOP � is still relatively rare.

That�s the upshot of a survey released last week by Juniper Networks, �Government Action Survey: Status and Progress of Emergency Preparedness and Continuity of Operations.� More than 1,400 civilian, defense, and state and local government officials responded to the survey.

The survey, available free at, shows that 88 percent of responding officials said their agencies have taken steps to prepare for COOP. Sixty-three percent said that their agencies are aligning their infrastructure to support COOP....

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